My future job

In the future I woud like to work on a newspaper and a radio, dedicating myself to the subject of interest that like. My subjects of interest would be the sports, cultural and investigative scope. I see myself writing reports and interviewsdocs.

I would not like to a spend enclosed i an office, I prefer to be looking and covering events in various places, but it´s also not that I dislike working in a closed place, I think I would be comfortable and relaxed. I still preferer to work out of office and brelate to others people.

With regard to salary, I think everyone woruld like to earn a good diners, including me jajaja. It would be enough for me to earn enough to keep my expenses, save money and enjoy the present. It´s not like I want to become a millonary either.

I would like to work on a written medium like La Tercera, as it has very diverse areas and its arrival is very massive, and maybe publish in some foreign enviroment, maybe from Spain or Argentina.

The working environment would be a very important factor for me, beacuse I would like the work in a places with pleasant and professional people, where there are no serious problems or frictions.


  1. I think you will have bad luck. Normally they say that in the office there tends to be a lot of noise and everything is done with pressure, so you can relax a lot in silence you will not be able to.

  2. Radio! Is pure adrenaline!, haha. I would like to work in print journalism too. I think that Radio is entertaining but you must have nerves of steel, haha.

  3. The newsrooms are generally crazy, you will hear noise everywhere! I personally would not like to work in the media, but I appreciate those who still want to work with that rhythm.

  4. I like reporting events because of the interaction I can have with people, even though I’m stressed. I wish you could work abroad, that would give you more experience, plus it would be great to travel.


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