your bucket list

My wish list would be done before I die would include: travel as many countries as possible, especially to Japan, Italy, South Korea, España, Kenia and many more. I would like to stay and live  in Spain or some Asia country. I´d like to run a marathon sometimes in my life. And o would also like to run in the best marathon in the world, those held in Tokyo, Chicago, Berlin, Londres and Boston. I´d also like to finish the university before I die and find work someday jajajaja.

A think the hardest thing would be travel to world and run all the other marathons, because it would be very expensive and take long time. Maybe I should put things in the short time.

I would be great to be able to do all those things together with my group of best friends, my family, my pets and my girlfriend, but not all together at once. For each destination I would choose someone different. Or even traveling alone is also a good option. They are the most important people for me, and it would be nice to share those experiences and that we all enjoy.

I think I´d like to do a lot of other activities, but at the moment I don´t remenber, sorry. Maybe I´ll update the list in the coming days. I´m saying good bye.


  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. I hope that all your dreams come true! ヽ(*・ω・)ノ

  3. I think that travel as many countries as possible is the best wish. Good luck with that. I hope do the same someday!

  4. I think finding work is everyone's goal hahaha and traveling around the world sounds very entertaining


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